по Материалам Международной конференции «Экологическая физиология водных фототрофов: распространение, запасы, химический состав и использование» II Сабининские чтения 29 ноября - 29 декабря 2013 г. Многолетняя динамика филлофорного поля Зернова и перспективы его восстановления
Мильчакова Н.А., Миронова Н.В., Александров В.В. Nataliya A. Milchakova, Nataliyia V. Mironova and Vladimir V. Alexandrov
Институт биологии южных морей им. А.О.Ковалевского НАН Украины Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Sevastopol, Ukraine
УДК 574.3:582.273
Анализируются современное состояние филлофорного поля Зернова (ZPF) и причины его деградации в течение последнего столетия. Описывается состояние популяции Phyllophora spp. и обсуждается необходимость создания плана сохранения и восстановления филлофорного поля Зернова как самого большого MPA (Marine Protected Area) Черного моря. Ключевые слова: фитобентос; Черное море; сохранение.
Zernov Phyllophora Field (ZPF), discovered in 1908 in the north-western shelf of the Black Sea (NWBS), was the largest aggregation of unattached Phyllophorain the world with an area of about 11,000 km (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). Over the last century ZPF has nearly disappeared. Phyllophora crispa (= Ph. nervosa) dominated here earlier in the depth range from 20 to 50 m and consisted mainly in unattached form. Recently in many ZPF sites, it has been replaced with an attached form of Coccotylus truncatus (= Ph. brodiaei). Phyllophora pseudoceranoïdes which is less common has not been found (Kalugina-Gutnik, Evstigneyeva, 1993; Milchakova et al., 2011); this species is included in the Red Book of Ukraine (2009) as endangered. Phyllophora spp. stocks decreased by at the least hundreds times of (Figure 1); sixfold since 1969 till 1978 and further by an order of magnitude since 1978 till 1990. At present, they are estimated to be less than 6–100 thousand tons (wet weight). In 2008 a botanical preserve comprising sufficient part of ZPF was established; now it is the largest MPA of the Black Sea with an area of 4,025 km . According to the IBSS R/V expedition data, Ph. crispa average biomass decreased by more than an order of magnitude since 1990 to 2011, and the biomass of C. truncatus was changed slightly; now their values amount to 2.22 and 12.01 g·m respectively (Kalugina-Gutnik, Evstigneyeva, 1993; Milchakova et al., 2011).
Fig. 1. Long-term dynamics of the Phyllophora spp. stock in the ZPF (the Black Sea).
The largest aggregations of both species are concentrated in the south-western part of ZPF; C. truncatus occurs throughout the entire area of the field and Ph. crispa grows mainly in its southern and central parts. In the population of Ph. crispa and C. truncatus young and small thalli are dominant. In 2011 in comparison with 1966 an increase in species diversity (32 and 25 species correspondingly) has been found; the Jaccard index of compositional similarity between these years reached to 70%. Despite the eutrophication level decrease, increased water transparency of the NWBS shelf and putting a ban on commercial Phyllophora extraction into action since 1996 (catches ranged from 2,400 to 14,300 tons per year, see Figure 2), the ZPF recovery is not observed. In our opinion, the main causes of catastrophic ZPF degradation were not so much Phyllophora catching as sprat bottom trawling, which destroyed Phyllophora biocenoses, as well the eutrophication and the general unstable state of the NWBS ecosystem. The most important biological factors limiting the recovery of ZPF are an almost complete disappearance of the Ph. crispa unattached form (diploid sporophyte) which produced a significant biomass through vegetative propagation and increased expansion of the attached C. truncatus form (haploid gametophyte) characterized by a reduced sporophyte, low reproduction intensity and sensitivity to stress factors.
Fig. 2. Dynamics of Phyllophora spp. catching in the ZPF (the Black Sea).
Nevertheless, since the MPA was created, recovering of ZPF is unlikely because of the increase of vessel traffic and resource extraction in the NWBS and the entire Black Sea basin. There are several gas condensate fields close to the ZPF borders; their development is planned for the coming years. Taking all of this into account, the most urgent ZPF conservation goals in our opinion are: inclusion of key species and habitats into the European Red List and other documents, development management plan for the ZPF protection with the support of international organizations, and creation of the Black Sea MPA network. It is possible that implementing these goals will permit to change the nature protection paradigm from the protection of species to the protection of a ecosystem, taking into account the compensation principles of the correspondence in use of marine living resources by human to natural ecosystem dynamics. Acknowledgements. The research has received funding from the EC (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement No. 287844 for the project CoCoNet («Towards Coast to Coast NETworks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential»).
Список литературы 1. Калугина–Гутник А.А. Фитобентос Черного моря. Киев: Наук. думка, 1975. 246 с. 2. Морфобиологическая и продукционная характеристика слоевищ Phyllophora nervosa и Ph. brodiaei на филлофорном поле Зернова в 1986 и 1989 гг. // Ecologiya Morya. 1993. 44. С.70–80. 3. Milchakova N.V., Mironova N.V., Alexandrov V.V., Riabohina V.G. Current state of the Zernov Phyllophora field (the Black Sea) // Proc. 13 Meet. Ukrain. Bot. Soc. (September, 19–23, Lviv, Ukraine). - 2011. - P. 306 (in Rus.). опубликовано - 6.12.2013
Dynamics, causes of degradation and the prognosis Nataliya A. Milchakova, Nataliyia V. Mironova and Vladimir V. Alexandrov The current status and causes of degradation of the Zernov Phyllophora Field (ZPF) over the last century are analyzed. The Phyllophora spp. population state is described, and the necessity of the conservation management plan of and restoration of ZPF as the largest Black Sea MPA are discussed. Key words: phytobenthos; Black Sea; conservation.
Об авторах Мильчакова Наталия Афанасьевна - Milchakova Nataliya A. кандидат биологических наук milchakova@gmail.com Миронова Наталья Всеволодовна - Mironova Nataliyia V. кандидат биологических наук zakaznik_karan@mail.ru Александров Владимир Владимирович - Alexandrov Vladimir V. кандидат биологических наук valexandrov@list.ru Корреспондентский адрес: 99011, г. Севастополь, пр. Нахимова, 2; телефон +38-0692-55-07-95
ССЫЛКА НА СТАТЬЮ: Мильчакова Н.А., Миронова Н.В., Александров В.В. Многолетняя динамика филлофорного поля Зернова и перспективы его восстановления [ или Milchakova N.A., Mironova N.V., Alexandrov V.V. Dynamics, causes of degradation and the prognosis of restoration Zernov Phyllophora field (the Black Sea) ] // Вопросы современной альгологии. 2013. № 2 (4). URL: http://algology.ru/297