КОНКУРС на выполнение научной работы (PhD subject) - Университет Монпелье, программа ZEN
Тема: Functioning and conservation of seagrass ecosystems Подача заявок до 6 июня
Работа проводится в рамках программы ZEN - Zostera Experimental Network
Информационное письмо
Functioning and conservation of seagrass ecosystems
CONTACT: Francesca ROSSI, Unité de recherche
ECOSYM - Ecologie des systèmes marins côtiers UMR 5119, Montpellier FRANCE
Tel: 04 67 14 3371
e-mail: francesca.rossi@univ-montp2.fr
Biodiversity, food webs, herbivory, detritivory, carbon and nitrogen
Seagrass ecosystems provide important ecosystem services in coastal areas,
including those related to carbon sequestration and cycling as well as organic
matter recycling. This PhD project aims at understanding the role played by
species interactions of benthic organisms in carbon and nitrogen cycling and in
the conservation of eelgrasses (Zostera noltei and Zostera marina).
The invertebrates associated to seagrasses such as those inhabiting the
sediment (infauna) or the seagrass structures (epifauna) occupy strategic
trophic positions, assuring the transfer of basal sources to top predators and
greatly affect sediment biogeochemistry, which can be important to seagrass conservation,
carbon and nitrogen cycling. Their abundance and functional role may depend on
complex biological interactions such competition or predation, as well as
interactions with the seagrass structure., with the seagrass and often
regulated by biological processes such as predation, facilitation or
competition. The project will use an experimental approach, through field
survey, deliberate manipulations of organisms and isotopic tracing (δ13C,
δ15N et δ34S).A part of the project will contribute to the network
ZEN2 (http://zenscience.org/).
For further
details, please contact Francesca Rossi by email
Larkum AWD et al
2007. Seagrasses: biology, ecology and conservation. Springer, The Netherlands
Orth RJ,
Carruthers TJB, Dennison WC, Duarte CM, Fourqurean JW, Heck KL, Hughes AR,
Kendrick GA, Kenworthy WJ, Olyarnik S, Short FT, Waycott M, Williams SL (2006)
A global crisis for seagrass ecosystems. Bioscience 56:987-996
Rossi, F., B. Gribsholt
et al. 2008. Context-dependent effects of suspension feeding on intertidal
ecosystem functioning. Mar Ecol progr Ser 354:47-57.
Rossi, F., M.
Vos, and J. Middelburg. 2009. Species identity, diversity and microbial carbon
flow in reassembling macrobenthic communities. 118: Oikos:503-512.
Stachowicz, J.,
J. Terwin et al. 2002. Linking climate change and biological invasions: Ocean
warming facilitates nonindigenous species invasions. Proc Nat Ac Science USA
Thrush, S. F.,
G. Coco and J. E. Hewitt. 2008. Complex positive connections between functional
groups are revealed by neural network analysis of ecological time series. Am
Nat 171:669-677.
van der Heide,
T., Govers, L.L., de Fouw, J., Olff, H., van der Geest, M., van Katwijk, M.M.,
Piersma, T., van de Koppel, J., Silliman, B.R., Smolders, A.J.P., van Gils,
J.A., 2012. A Three-Stage Symbiosis Forms the Foundation of Seagrass
Ecosystems. Science 336, 1432–1434.
Waycott M et al
2009. Accelerating loss of seagrasses across the globe threatens coastal
systems. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106: 12377-12381
Worm, B., E. B.
Barbier et al. 2006. Impacts of biodiversity loss on ocean ecosystem services.
Science 314:787-790.
SUPERVISORS: Francesca Rossi et Olivier Pringault
are benthic ecologists with a good experience in supervising master students.
Francesca Rossi ha a solid experience in experimental ecology, biogeochemistry
and macrofauna. Olivier Pringault is a microbiologist, with a particular
interest in the interactions between macroorganisms and microbes
CANDIDATES: The candidate should have an interest
in experimental ecology, will to work abroad for some periods, be rigorous and
autonomous in organising field work. During the first year of the thesis, the
candidate will be guided towards the experimental ecology and the ecology and
functioning of seagrass ecosystems, through the research activity of the two
supervisors, which will be part of her/his thesis. From the second year, the
candidate should be able to develop small research projects that will be
discussed in thigh contact with the supervisors.
The candidate will need to rely on one of the 21
full scholarships of the “Ecole Doctorale SIBAGHE”, which will cover the salary
for 3 years. The funding for research are provided from projects attributed to
the supervisors.
The selection will be based for 40% on the
relative position achieved in the master as compared to the other students
(ranking) and for 60% on the oral examination
1-The candidate will contact Francesca Rossi or
Olivier Pringault
2- After our first selection, the candidate will
be asked to subscribe to the Ecole Doctoral SIBAGHE and send them the CV before
6th June 2014. The subscriptions open 15th April
2014 on the site internet of the ADUM (http://www.sibaghe.univ-montp2.fr/). Support will be given to those not speaking
3- During this
procedure, the candidates should choose 3 of the proposed subjects and give
them a priority
4- 18th-19th
June, 60 candidates will be asked to present their master subject orally to the
Jury. The presentation will last 5 minutes and it will be followed by10 mn of
web sites:
Карта сайта algology.ru