N 1 (16) 2018



Irina K. Evstigneeva, Irina N.Tankovskaya
Queen of the Black Sea

Evstigneeva I.K., Tankovskaya I.N. Queen of the Black Sea // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://algology.ru/1246


Ruslan G. Gevorgiz, Olga A. Memetshaeva, Daria Yu. Romanova
The technique for isolating Arthrospira (Spirulinaplatensis (Nordstedt) Gomont into an algologically pure culture

Gevorgiz R.G., Memetshaeva O.A., Romanova D.Yu. The technique for isolating Arthrospira (Spirulinaplatensis (Nordstedt) Gomont into an algologically pure culture // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://algology.ru/1259


Irina A. Kadnikova, Tatiana I. Vishnevskaya, Natalia M. Aminina
Chemical composition of the red alga Neorhodomela larix (Turn) Masuda from Peter the Great Bay

Kadnikova I.A., Vishnevskaya T.I., Aminina N.M. Chemical composition of the red alga Neorhodomela larix (Turn) Masuda from Peter the Great Bay // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://algology.ru/1249



Maria A. Ivacheva, Irina V. Tikhonova, Anton V. Kuzmin, Ekaterina G. Sorokovikova, Sergey A. Potapov, Andrei Y. Krasnopeev, Battsetseg Choidash, Olga I. Belykh
Cyanobacteria from Lake Baikal are producers of aeruginosins

Ivacheva M.A., Tikhonova I.V., Kuzmin A.V., Sorokovikova E.G., Potapov S.A., Krasnopeev A.Y., Choidash B.,  Belykh O.I. Cyanobacteria from Lake Baikal are producers of aeruginosins // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://www.algology.ru/1251


Irina A. Kadnikova, Tatiana I. Vishnevskaya, Natalia M. Aminina
Chemical composition of the red alga Neorhodomela larix (Turn) Masuda from Peter the Great Bay

Kadnikova I.A., Vishnevskaya T.I., Aminina N.M. Chemical composition of the red alga Neorhodomela larix (Turn) Masuda from Peter the Great Bay // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://algology.ru/1249


Irina A. Kharchuk
Dynamics of viability and components of biochemical composition Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (Nords) Gomont depending on the dehydration temperature transferring at anhydrobiosis state

Kharchuk I.A. Dynamics of viability and components of biochemical composition Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (Nords) Gomont depending on the dehydration temperature transferring at anhydrobiosis state // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://algology.ru/1258


Olga A. Memetshaeva, Andrey B. Borovkov
Reproductive activity of Dunaliella viridis Teod cells. in a batch culture under continuous illumination and light-dark cycles

Memetshaeva O.A., Borovkov A.B. Reproductive activity of Dunaliella viridis Teod cells. in a batch culture under continuous illumination and light-dark cycles // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://algology.ru/1262


Sergey A. Mosharov, Аnna V. Kostyleva, Oleg I. Podymov, Elena G. Arashkevich, Valeriy K. Chasovnikov, Yuliya V. Vasilieva
Spring dynamics of the primary production of phytoplankton in the northeast Black Sea in 2016

Mosharov S.A., Kostyleva А.V., Podymov O.I., Arashkevich E.G., Chasovnikov V.K., Vasilieva Y.V. Spring dynamics of the primary production of phytoplankton in the northeast Black Sea in 2016 // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://www.algology.ru/1256


Sergey A. Mosharov, Valentina М. Sergeeva
Estimate of the marine phytoplankton state by fluorescence parameters and ratio of chlorophyll a and pheophytin concentrations

Mosharov S.A., Sergeeva V.М. Estimate of the marine phytoplankton state by fluorescence parameters and ratio of chlorophyll a and pheophytin concentrations // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://www.algology.ru/1257


Sergey E. Plekhanov, L’ubov B. Bratkovskaya
Evaluation of waste water’s phenols toxicity using algae Characeae

Plekhanov S.E., Bratkovskaya L.B. Evaluation of waste water’s phenols toxicity using algae Characeae // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://www.algology.ru/1264


Tatiana V. Polyakova, Antonina V. Polyakova
Ecological state of the waters of Gelendzhik Bay

Polyakova T.V., Polyakova A.V. Ecological state of the waters of Gelendzhik Bay // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://algology.ru/1263


Inna V. Ryzhik, Elena M. Fisak
The annual dynamics of the content of soluble phlorotannins in the cells of Fucus vesiculosus L. and their possible role in the repair processes of damaged tissue

Ryzhik I.V., Fisak E.M. The annual dynamics of the content of soluble phlorotannins in the cells of Fucus vesiculosus L. and their possible role in the repair processes of damaged tissue // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://www.algology.ru/1248


Lidiya A. Semenova, Nina S. Knyazeva
Phytoplankton Novy Port (Gulf of Ob, Kara sea) in winter-spring season

Semenova L.A., Knyazeva N.S. Phytoplankton Novy Port (Gulf of Ob, Kara sea) in winter-spring season // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://www.algology.ru/1250


Lyudmyla V. Stelmakh
Functional status and some structural characteristics of marine plankton algae at different levels of nutrients availability

Stelmakh L.V.  Functional status and some structural characteristics of marine plankton algae at different levels of nutrients availability // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://algology.ru/1252


Anna D. Temraleeva
Bracteacoccus bullatus и B. occidentalis (Sphaeropleales, Chlorophyta), new species for the Russian soil algal flora

Temraleeva A.D. Bracteacoccus bullatus и B. occidentalis (Sphaeropleales, Chlorophyta), new species for the Russian soil algal flora // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://algology.ru/1253


Rudolf P. Trenkenshu, Svetlana Yu. Gorbunova, Yana D. Zhondareva
Refractometric express method of culture medium composition estimationModel of transformation of the nitrogen compounds by microalgae cells

Trenkenshu R.P., Gorbunova S.Yu., Zhondareva Ya.D. Refractometric express method of culture medium composition estimation // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://algology.ru/1255


Rudolf P. Trenkenshu, Alexander S. Lelekov
Model of transformation of the nitrogen compounds by microalgae cells

Trenkenshu R.P., Lelekov A.S. Model of transformation of the nitrogen compounds by microalgae cells // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://algology.ru/1247


Ekaterina A. Volkova
Life cycle of Spirogyra decimina var. juergensii (Kütz.) O.V. Petlovany from Lake Baikal

Volkova E.A. Life cycle of Spirogyra decimina var. juergensii (Kütz.) O.V. Petlovany from Lake Baikal // Voprosy sovremennoi algologii (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://www.algology.ru/1260


Irina K. Evstigneeva, Irina N.Tankovskaya
Queen of the Black Sea

Evstigneeva I.K., Tankovskaya I.N. Queen of the Black Sea // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://algology.ru/1246


Ruslan G. Gevorgiz, Olga A. Memetshaeva, Daria Yu. Romanova
The technique for isolating Arthrospira (Spirulinaplatensis (Nordstedt) Gomont into an algologically pure culture

Gevorgiz R.G., Memetshaeva O.A., Romanova D.Yu. The technique for isolating Arthrospira (Spirulinaplatensis (Nordstedt) Gomont into an algologically pure culture // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://algology.ru/1259


Maria A. Ivacheva, Irina V. Tikhonova, Anton V. Kuzmin, Ekaterina G. Sorokovikova, Sergey A. Potapov, Andrei Y. Krasnopeev, Battsetseg Choidash, Olga I. Belykh
Cyanobacteria from Lake Baikal are producers of aeruginosins

Ivacheva M.A., Tikhonova I.V., Kuzmin A.V., Sorokovikova E.G., Potapov S.A., Krasnopeev A.Y., Choidash B.,  Belykh O.I. Cyanobacteria from Lake Baikal are producers of aeruginosins // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://www.algology.ru/1251


Irina A. Kadnikova, Tatiana I. Vishnevskaya, Natalia M. Aminina
Chemical composition of the red alga Neorhodomela larix (Turn) Masuda from Peter the Great Bay

Kadnikova I.A., Vishnevskaya T.I., Aminina N.M. Chemical composition of the red alga Neorhodomela larix (Turn) Masuda from Peter the Great Bay // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://algology.ru/1249


Irina A. Kharchuk
Dynamics of viability and components of biochemical composition Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (Nords) Gomont depending on the dehydration temperature transferring at anhydrobiosis state

Kharchuk I.A. Dynamics of viability and components of biochemical composition Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (Nords) Gomont depending on the dehydration temperature transferring at anhydrobiosis state // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2018. № 1 (16). URL: http://algology.ru/1258












































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